Friendship stories

Mike Nash and Eileen Grady (centre) and fellow volunteers who’ve become friends through Bloom

Mike and Eileen’s friendship story

Fran Lee, Acocks Green Village in Bloom coordinator, reveals that it’s not just the trees that are blossoming in this suburb of Birmingham.

Around three years ago, Acocks Green Village in Bloom were seeking litter champions to assist in keeping the area clean and tidy. Local resident Eileen requested litter-picking equipment from our stock and coincidentally, around the same time, another resident Mike got in touch also wanting to join the battle against litter.

Being keen on improving their local environment, they both decided to join the team to help our Britain in Bloom competition entry. It is well publicised as we have been entering Britain in Bloom since 2012, gaining Gold in the last eight years.

“At one of our Sunday morning gardening sessions, Eileen mentioned that she would be going for a coffee with Mike... and since then, their relationship has gone from strength to strength. I’m delighted to say they are now a couple, and volunteer with us as a pair.”

One of our first major projects was to create a community orchard on a piece of waste ground, just off the main road in the middle of two blocks of shops. Here anyone can pick apples, pears, plums and soft fruit. In the autumn, Mike and Eileen planted bulbs together in the orchard and in our many planters.

Some of the town’s 2000 tulip bulbs in Mallard Community Orchard created by volunteers

Mike and Eileen met through volunteering with Acocks Green Village in Bloom

“They enjoy gardening together and both love the idea of making their area a good place to shop or spend time socialising.”

They continue to litter pick and Mike has painted many utility boxes around the village to remove graffiti. We also have various flower beds and 33 planters throughout the shopping centre. The pair regularly water these planters together during the dry summer weather.

A recent highlight was our annual social evening for the community held in a local social club, ‘A Bloomin’ Good Night’. Mike was our compère, smartly dressed in his tuxedo and Eileen helped host this popular event acting as our quiz master. We had a banner made highlighting that we are celebrating 60 years of Bloom and a special cake commemorating the 60th anniversary and the success of our Acocks Green Village in Bloom team.

Community involvement is very important to our work and, as well as the very successful ‘Bloomin’ Good Night,’ we also hold a spring event in our shopping centre which includes seed sowing with children, stalls selling plants and a local beekeeper with her bees and honey. There’s also live music, food stalls and lots more – this year, another opportunity to celebrate 60 years of Britain in Bloom. Mike and Eileen join in with this and are a great addition to our team of volunteers.

“Who’d have thought love would blossom while litter picking?”

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